A story that may appear in 5th-grade textbooks in Japan.
The Spider’s Thread(蜘蛛の糸)
Akutagawa, Ryūnosuke
芥川 龍之介
This is what happened one day.
Shakyamuni was strolling alone around the banks of the lotus pond in Paradise.
お釈迦様は 極楽の蓮池の縁を、独りでぶらぶらお歩きになっていらっしゃいました。
(Tense change)
The lotus flowers that bloom in the pond are all pearl-like white, and the indescribable scent is incessantly overflowing from the golden pistils of its center.
It seems Paradise is just in the morning.
After a short while, Shakyamuni stands at the edge of the pond and taking a look at the state below through the lotus leaves that cover the surface of the water.
やがて 釈迦様はその池の縁にお佇みになって、水の面を覆っている蓮の葉の間から、ふと下の様子をご覧になりました。
Since beneath the lotus pond of this Paradise hits exactly at the bottom of hell, you can clearly see the scenery of the three crossings river (Styx) and the mountain of needles through the crystal-like water, just like looking through the peeping glasses.
この 極楽の蓮池の下は、丁度地獄の底に当っておりますから、水晶のような水を透き通して、三途の川や針の山の景色が、丁度覗き眼鏡を見るように、はっきりと見えるのでございます。
Then, at the bottom of Hell, with the other sinners, a man named Kandata’s wriggling figure caught his eye.
すると その地獄の底に、犍陀多という男が一人、ほかの罪人と一緒に蠢いている姿が、お目に留まりました。
This man named Kandata is a master thief who had killed people, had set fire to houses, and had done various evil deeds, but he still remembers only one good thing he had done.
この 犍陀多という男は、人を殺したり家に火を付けたり、いろいろ悪事を働いた大泥棒でございますが、それでもたった一つ、善事を致した覚えがございます。
That is, as this man was passing through a deep forest one time, he had noticed a tiny spider crawling along the roadside.
So, Kandata immediately raised his foot and tried to trample it to death, but he suddenly reconsidered like “No, no, Even though it’s tiny, it must be a living thing. To take its life for no reason would be way too cruel.” and he eventually saved the spider without killing it.
そこで 犍陀多は早速足を挙げて、踏み殺そうと致しましたが、「いや、いや、これも小さいながら、命のあるものに違いない。その命を無闇に取るという事は、いくら何でも可哀そうだ。」と、こう急に思い返して、とうとうその蜘蛛を殺さずに助けてやったからでございます。
While looking at the state of Hell, Shakyamuni recalled that this Kandata had saved a spider.
お釈迦様は 地獄の様子をご覧になりながら、この犍陀多には蜘蛛を助けた事があるのをお思い出しになりました。
Then, in reward for doing such a good thing, he thought that if possible, he would relieve this man out from Hell.
そうして それだけの善い事をした報には、出来るなら、この男を地獄から救い出してやろうとお考えになりました。
Fortunately, when he looks at the side, a paradise spider hangs a beautiful silver thread on the jade-colored lotus leaf.
Shakyamuni softly picked up the spider’s thread and dropped it through the pearl-like white lotus to the bottom of Hell far below.
お釈迦様は その蜘蛛の糸をそっとお手にお取りになって、玉のような白蓮の間から、遥か下にある地獄の底へ、まっすぐにそれをお下しなさいました。
Here is Kandata who is floating and sinking in a blood pond at the bottom of Hell with the other sinners.
こちらは 地獄の底の血の池で、ほかの罪人と一緒に、浮いたり沈んだりしていた犍陀多
Anyhow, no matter where he looks, it’s pitch-dark, and when it looks like there is something that sometimes dimly emerges from the darkness, that’s the gleam of the needles of the terrifying mountain of needles, so there is nothing more lonely than this.
何しろ どちらを見ても、真っ暗で、たまにその暗闇からぼんやり浮き上っているものがあると思いますと、それは恐しい針の山の針が光るのでございますから、その心細さといったらございません。
On top of that, the place is filled with profound silence as inside of graves, and the only thing that can be heard from time to time is the faint sigh of sinners.
その上 辺りは墓の中のようにしんと静まり返って、たまに聞こえるものといっては、ただ罪人がつく微な嘆息ばかりでございます。
It seems that human beings who have fallen into here are already exhausted from the various tortures in Hell, and even lost the power to make a crying voice.
これは ここへ落ちて来るほどの人間は、もう様々な地獄の責苦に疲れ果てて、泣声を出す力さえなくなっているのでございましょう。
Therefore, even a master thief Kandata, suffocating by the blood in the blood pond as well, could only be struggling as if he were a dying frog.
ですから さすが大泥棒の犍陀多も、やはり血の池の血に咽びながら、まるで死にかかった蛙のように、ただ藻掻いてばかりおりました。
However, this is what happened once.
ところが ある時の事でございます。
As Kandata casually raises his head and looks at the sky above the blood pond, he sees a silver spider’s thread, gleaming straight and thinly, falling down above him in the silent darkness from the faraway heaven, as if it were afraid of being noticed.
As Kandata sees this, he was delighted with clapping his hands unintentionally.
There is no doubt that he would get out of Hell if he clings to this thread and climbs up as far as he can.
No, if it goes well, he would even be able to enter Paradise.
If that happens, he would never be chased up to the mountain of needles, or be sunk in the blood pond anymore.
Since he thinks like that, Kandata immediately reels in and begins to climb up and up with his utmost effort, grasping the spider’s thread firmly with both hands.
こう思いましたから 犍陀多は、早速その蜘蛛の糸を両手でしっかりと掴みながら、一生懸命に上へ上へと手繰り登り始めました。
Since he is originally a master thief, he has been too accustomed to this sort of thing from before.
However, the distance between Hell and Paradise is tens of thousands of miles, so no matter how impatient he tried, he cannot come out to above easily.
しかし 地獄と極楽との間は、何万里となくございますから、いくら焦ってみたところで、容易に上へは出られません。
While climbing for a little while, Kandata finally gets tired, and he cannot climb up to above anymore even one reel.
So, he had no choice but to intend to take a rest first, while hanging in the middle of the thread, looked down far below his eyes.
そこで 仕方がございませんから、まず一休み休むつもりで、糸の中途にぶら下りながら、遥かに目の下を見下しました。
Then, it was worth climbing up with the utmost effort, the blood pond that he was in until a while ago is now already hidden in the bottom of the darkness before he knows it.
And then, that dimly glowing and terrifying mountain of needles has also become beneath his feet.
それから あのぼんやり光っている恐しい針の山も、足の下になってしまいました。
If he climbs up at this rate, getting out of Hell might be easier than he thought.
Twining both hands in the spider’s thread, Kandata laughed like, “I ‘ve done it. I ‘ve done it.” with a voice that he has never made in years since he came here.
犍陀多は 両手を蜘蛛の糸に絡みながら、ここへ来てから何年にも出した事のない声で、「しめた。しめた。」と笑いました。
However, he suddenly noticed that at the lower part of the spider’s thread, countless sinners are also climbing up and up intently following after him like a procession of ants.
ところが ふと気が付きますと、蜘蛛の糸の下の方には、数限もない罪人たちが、自分の登った後をつけて、まるで蟻の行列のように、やはり上へ上へ一心によじ登って来るではございませんか。
When Kandata saw this, he did nothing but only move his eyes in surprise and fear, with his big mouth open like an idiot for a while.
犍陀多は これを見ると、驚いたのと恐しいのとで、暫くはただ、馬鹿のように大きな口を開いたまま、目ばかり動かしておりました。
How can this thin spider’s thread, likely to snap even from his weight alone, bear the weight of that many people?
If the thread should snap in two, even he, who had climbed up to this point with considerable effort, must fall back to original Hell.
もし 万一 途中で切れたと致しましたら、折角ここへまで登って来たこの肝心な自分までも、元の地獄へ逆落しに落ちてしまわなければなりません。
If such a thing happens, it will be terrible.
However, in the meantime, Hundreds of thousands of sinners are crawling up in swarms from the bottom of the pitch-dark blood pond, and diligently climbing up the thin, gleaming spider’s thread lining up in a row.
If he doesn’t do anything now, the thread must be snap in two from the center and fall off.
So Kandata shouted in a loud voice, “Hey, you sinners. This spider’s thread is mine. Who the hell allow you to climb it? Get off. Get off.”
そこで 犍陀多は大きな声を出して、「こら、罪人ども。この蜘蛛の糸は己のものだぞ。お前たちは一体誰に尋いて、登って来た。下りろ。下りろ。」と喚きました。
It is at that instant.
The spider’s thread, which had been nothing wrong until then, suddenly breaks off with the sound of snapping just from the point where Kandata was hanging on.
今まで 何ともなかった蜘蛛の糸が、急に犍陀多のぶら下っている所から、ぷつりと音を立てて切れました。
Therefore, Kandata is unbearable.
ですから 犍陀多も堪りません。
Before he could say anything, he falls with the head foremost, slicing through the air, spinning like a top, down to the bottom of the darkness in a second.
あっという間もなく 風を切って、独楽のようにくるくるまわりながら、見る見るうちに闇の底へ、まっさかさまに落ちてしまいました。
After that, the spider’s thread of Paradise just gleaming shiny and thinly, and it just hangs shortly in the middle of the sky without the moon or stars.
Shakyamuni stood at the edge of the lotus pond of Paradise and was watching everything quietly, but soon after Kandata sank in the bottom of the blood pond like a pebble, he started strolling again with a sad countenance.
お釈迦様は 極楽の蓮池の縁に立って、この一部始終をじっと見ていらっしゃいましたが、やがて犍陀多が血の池の底へ石のように沈んでしまいますと、悲しそうなお顔をなさりながら、またぶらぶら歩きになり始めました。
From the perspective of Shakyamuni, he would think it was despicable that the ruthless heart of Kandata received a reasonable punishment, and has fallen back to the original Hell.
However, the lotus of the lotus pond in Paradise does not care about such a thing at all.
しかし 極楽の蓮池の蓮は、少しもそんな事には頓着致しません。
The pearl-like white flower moves the shank swaying around the foot of Shakyamuni, and the indescribable scent is incessantly overflowing from the golden pistils of its center.
It seems Paradise is almost noon already.
極楽も もう昼に近くなったのでございましょう。
(Translation: Narai, Hajime)
(翻訳:楢井 肇)
“The Spider’s Thread” (1918)
Author: Akutagawa, Ryūnosuke (1892-1927)
著者:芥川 龍之介(明治25年~昭和2年)
First publication: a children’s monthly magazine “Akai tori (Red Bird)” No.Jul.1918
初出:児童月刊誌『赤い鳥』大正7年7月 創刊号
Sourcebook: “Gendai Nihon Bungaku-kan20 Akutagawa, Ryūnosuke”
底本:『現代日本文学館20 芥川龍之介』
1997年 文藝春秋
Familiarity degree | 🗾🗾🗾🗾4.0 | became movies and animes |
Shintoism color | 0.0 | N/A |
Buddhism color | 📿📿📿📿4.0 | お釈迦様、極楽、地獄、三途の川 |
Archaic expressions | 🖌🖌2.0 | 蛙、頓着する |
Honorific expressions | 🙇♂️🙇♂️🙇♂️🙇♂️🙇♂️5.0 | ご覧になりました、お目に留まりました |
Old Kana Usage: We have changed to Modern Kana Usage (phonetic notation).
Old font: We have changed to the common kanji (2010 Cabinet Notification No. 2).
かわ | (三途の)河 → (三途の)川 |
お | 御 → お |
め | 眼 → 目 |
おおう | 蔽う → 覆う |
とおして | (透き)徹して → (透き)通して |
とまり | (お目に)止まり → (お目に)留まり |
むやみ | 無暗 → 無闇 |
みちばた | 路ばた → 道端 |
ようす | 容子 → 様子 |
どろぼう | 泥坊 → 泥棒 |
くらやみ | くら暗 → 暗闇 |
やみ | 暗 → 闇 |
うち | 中 → うち |
ばか | 莫迦 → 馬鹿 |
あげ | (頭を)挙げ → (頭を)上げ |
うって | (手を)拍って → (手を)打って |
きれ | 断れ → 切れ |
かんじん | 肝腎 → 肝心 |
あさましい | 浅間しい → 浅ましい |
うてな | 萼 → 台 |
ひる | 午 → 昼 |
We have changed some okurigana.
We have changed some hiragana to katakana and kanji, katakana to hiragana and kanji, and kanji to hiragana and katakana.