The Japanese national anthem as well as classical Japanese poetry published over a thousand years ago whose author is unknown.
Kimi ga Yo(君が代)
Your reign is for a thousand and eight thousand generations until the pebbles become a great rock and moss grows on it.
君が代は 千代に八千代に さざれ石の 巌となりて 苔のむすまで
(Translation: Narai, Hajime)
(翻訳:楢井 肇)
“Kimi ga Yo” (Heian period, 794-1185)
Lyrics: unknown author
First publication: “Kokin Wakashū” Volume 7, Celebration Poetry (about early 10th century)
初出:『古今和歌集』巻第七 賀歌(十世紀初頭頃)
Sourcebook: “Kokin Wakashū“
2005年 笠間書院 片桐 洋一 (翻訳)
Familiarity degree | 🗾🗾🗾🗾🗾5.0 | very famous |
Shintoism color | ⛩⛩⛩⛩4.0 | imperial family, nature worship |
Buddhism color | 0.0 | N/A |
Archaic expressions | 🖌🖌🖌🖌4.0 | 君が代(君の代)、さざれ石の(さざれ石が)、なりて(なり)、苔の(苔が) |
Poetic expressions | 🖋🖋🖋🖋🖋5.0 | 和歌 (a Japanese poem of thirty-one syllables, one of 短歌) |
It is said that the original text of “Kimi ga Yo” is an old poem that begins with “You of mine are …” in the “Kokin Wakashū“, a Japanese poetry collection compiled by the imperial ordinance in the early Heian period.
The difference between “世” and “代”(『世』と『代』の違い)
As well as “the world/society”, “世” also means “period/era” and “generation”.
In addition to “generation,” “代” also means “age of Gods,” “reign” and “period/term of reign.”
Implications of “八”(『八』の含意(含み))
In addition to “8”, “八” also means “many” and “innumerable”
Also, “八” is said to be widespread and auspicious.
Example of words using “八”(『八』を使用した言葉)
Meanings | Words | Examples of Use |
extremely frequent times | 八千度 | 先立たぬ 悔いの八千度 悲しきは 流るる水の かへり来ぬなり(閑院) |
various herbs | 八千草 | 女優・八千草薫さん(人の苗字) |
all the deities; myriads of gods | 八百万の神 | 毎年、神無月になると、八百万の神々は出雲に集まる。 |
a pack of lies | 嘘八百 | 多くの政治家は、選挙に勝つために嘘八百を並べる。 |
a greengrocer | 八百屋 | その扱う商品の多さから、八百屋と呼ばれるようになったとする説がある。 |
be stuck; be sunk; a deadlock | 八方塞がり | 再建へ向けあらゆる手を尽くしたが、会社はいま八方塞がりの状況に陥っている。 |
a yes man; everybody’s friend | 八方美人 | あの人は八方美人だから、本当の気持ちはよく分からないよ。 |
adept and eloquent | 手八丁口八丁 | 手八丁口八丁のセールスマンに乗せられて、つい購入してしまった。 |